CCDI Webinar: Religious inclusion, a starting point for the workplace

Event Type : Webinars
Starts at May 27, 2021 1:00 PM Eastern
Finishes at May 27, 2021 2:00 PM Eastern

Audience/Level: General 1.0-2.0

Hosted byBrian Carwana

With a diverse workforce comes diverse religious practices. This webinar will explore some starting steps to becoming a more religiously inclusive workplace which can engender and stimulate a climate of pluralism.

Three Learning Outcomes:

  1. Studies show that religious minorities in Canada are uncomfortable speaking up at work. We will explore the Canadian context around religion, diversity, and the workplace, to understand the costs to organizations and employees as well as the opportunities.
  2. To learn how the Western concept of “religion” distorts the way we see traditions whose heritage is not in the West and how this can create a sense of unwelcome for employees. The implications here go beyond work into our schools and neighbourhoods.
  3. To consider practical steps you can take to move towards religious literacy and religious inclusion in your workplace. 

Disclaimer: The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of any information in the webinars and related materials (such as handouts, presentation documents and recordings); all such content is provided to webinar registrants on an “as is” basis. The content presented reflects CCDI’s knowledge and experience, but does not constitute a recipe that can be applied equally to all organizations. The information contained in these webinars and related materials does not constitute rendering of legal, consulting, or other professional services/advice, of any kind. CCDI is not liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in any way related to the information provided in these webinars.

For current Canadian Certified Inclusion Professionals (CCIPTM), this event qualifies for continued professional development credit. Contact for more information.